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“The Buddhist Encounter with Liberal Humanism and Atayal Hunters in Contemporary Taiwan.” Sci-Tech Asia, March 1, 2023.
“Inequality of Equalities: The Taiwanese Buddhist Encounter with Liberal Humanism and Taiwan’s Indigenous People.” National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 13, 2022.
「平等間的不平等:台灣漢族佛教徒與泰雅族獵人之間(不)可通約的存有論協商」。 台灣新竹市國立陽明交通大學,2022年4月13日。
Scott Hurley, "‘Using the Buddha Dharma to Study the Buddha Dharma’: Master Yin Shun and The Tathāgatagarbha." Gereon Kopf, "Talking Across the Divide : Discovering our Common Humanity." Jeffrey Nicolaisen, “Adaptive Interdependence in the Galluscene: Rethinking the Anthropocene.” Symposium (I) The theory of Master Yin Shun (I). 19th International Symposium on the Theory and Practice of the Teachings of Dharma Master Yin Shun: Humanistic Buddhism and Globalization, Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 6-7.
“Inequality of Equalities: The Taiwanese Buddhist Encounter with Liberal Humanism and Taiwan’s Indigenous People.” University of Virginia East Asia Center, Charlottesville, Virginia, April 8, 2021.
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